Opening the Garden

Reader Contribution by Allan Douglas
Published on March 6, 2012
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I’m getting started on my garden by working on garden boxes. This one is 8 feet long and 4 feet wide. All of my previous garden boxes are 4×4, but this one is specifically for a group of blueberry bushes and needs to be bigger. I’m building it out of 2×8″ lumber and fastening the corners together with coated deck screws. I’m using untreated lumber to prevent the “treatment” from leeching into the soil in which I’m growing our food.

Garden Box

Once the box is built I lug it out to the area I’ll be expanding our garden into. This is normally the simple part: Just tack some weed cloth on the bottom and flop it down on top of the grass. But we live on a mountain and have to do things a bit differently. To prevent all the special soil from washing out of the box in a heavy rain (which we get often here) I have to dig the box down into the dirt to level it up

I start by going around the outside of the box with a pick to mark the location. Then I use the broad blade of the pick axe to dig a trench into which the rails of the box will sit. I can set the box in place every now and then, check it with a level and know where I need to dig more out.

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